The Line Between Aesthetics and Functionality

home kitchen concept

You might prefer things that are functional over those that are only aesthetic. The good news is that you don’t have to choose. Functionality and aesthetics do not sit at the opposite ends of a spectrum.

You can make your house visually appealing while addressing all your daily needs efficiently. You can mix both to create a better living experience for your whole family. While it’s not impossible, it might require extra careful planning. Here are a few ways you can achieve aesthetic and functional living:

Start with a Smart House Plan

This is for those who are just about to start building their home. When planning your house, you have a few things to consider in achieving functionality. First, you need to keep in mind that the basis for the house design is the needs of the residents. If you’re going to use the kitchen a lot, then consider making it more spacious. You also need to figure out the positioning of appliances in the designing phase.

The design will also depend a lot on the land. You can go for a geometric shape for the main structure of the house. A box shape allows you to maximize the space.

How you want every room to function will dictate the design and size. If you want your guests to feel like your house is open for them, include a large doorway and windows. You should also consider the movement of the residents for the placement of the rooms.

To achieve all this, you must hire an architect. When you are set on how you want your house to look and feel, they will consider your preferences and the project budget. Architects are your best bet for custom plans. Not only do they handle the permits needed, but their expertise also covers designing plans that reflect your wishes.

They will even consider how to maximize the natural lighting, the best materials to use, and the kind of land your property sits on.

If you are not building a house from zero, there are still ways you can make your current home aesthetic and functional. Do the following tips to achieve this.

Make Your Home Clutter-Free

To enjoy more functional spaces at home, you have to get rid of clutter. A cluttered room is distracting and limits the use of the space. Invest in storage that matches the room’s aesthetic.

Hanging shelves are the way to go for contemporary house designs. They are perfect for keeping stuff that you don’t use every day. They are better kept out of sight because displaying them on top of tables or shelves at eye level contributes to the visual clutter.

If hangings shelves are not possible, you can still keep things at eye level. If your primary concern is the clutter of small items in the living room, get home decor bowls that match the room’s interior. They should be large enough to hold remotes, keys, and other items that you usually leave on tabletops. Put the bowls on the TV stand or the coffee table.

Properly Define Spaces and Boundaries

living room concept

Open house design is standard nowadays. There is usually no physical boundary between the dining area and the living room. This is usually for smaller spaces.

Putting up a divider is boring and can make the space look even smaller. Why not use aesthetic things such as plants to define the boundaries between rooms? Plants that are large enough and around the knee to waist height are a good choice.

Invest in Furniture

Furniture takes up a bulk of your home space. Depending on the style and purpose you are achieving, choose your furniture pieces accordingly.

It is wise to buy large furniture like a sofa in neutral colors. Afterward, accentuate the space using smaller furnishings and decor. This will give you flexibility in redesigning. When the seasons change or when you want to change the living room’s vibe, the neutral furniture will let you.

If you live in a small space, it is a requirement that you are smart with your furniture choices. Due to the rising costs of real estate, houses are getting smaller. Because of this, options for space-saving furniture became varied. You will not have a hard time looking for functional and visually pleasing pieces at the same time.

Living in an aesthetic and functional home is a wise decision. You just need to exert extra effort into mixing both. With the things you’ve just learned, it will be a lot easier.

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