The importance of Maintaining Your Rolling Fire Door

There are different methods to increase the longevity of rolling fire doors as shown in the video. They include eliminating salt deposits, handwashing solutions and regularly cleaning the hard-to-reach areas of the door. These methods can best be implemented by rolling fire door services. Here’s why:

1. They help extend the door’s lifetime

Rolling fire door services will seek the root cause of the problem. This could be salt accumulation into a very tiny cleft, producing a screeching when rolling down the door.

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Rolling fire door services will provide the most relevant remedy, which is using solutions that eliminate the salts without corroding the door.

2. They improve adhesion for graphics on the door

Dirt and salt accumulation add a coating to the door, which compromises the quality and durability of the prints. Rolling fire door services will clean the door before using a 50-50 mix of rubbing alcohol and water.

3. They improve your door’s visual appeal

Rolling fire door services avoid using a pressure washer, even when removing tough dust and salt deposits. Instead, they use handwashing solutions with a close-to-neutral pH to leave the door (even when painted) presentable.

The Bottom Line

The main goal of getting a solid rolling fire door service is to extend the door’s lifetime. Besides, such services will prevent anodization, wear and tear of the door’s rubber shoes and salt accumulation on the side tracks.


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