Summer Is Here: Parts of Your Home Exterior That You Need to Get Ready for Summer

palm trees

Winter months can take an extreme toll on our homes, but so is summer. Although summer months would mean lesser time at home as you go on family vacations and beach trips, leaving your home in an unprotected state can ruin your summer fantasy in an instant. The summer months can be very extreme in some states and countries. So if you are one of them, is your home prepared for the heat?

If you have taken the right measures to protect your home during the winter, you should also do a few things to get your home ready for the coming hot summer season. While there won’t be any snow, hot temperatures can affect the longevity of your home components as well as their efficiency. Not only that, hotter temperatures can incur extreme pressure on your home appliances, which can result in skyrocketing energy bills.

As your home demands additional maintenance this summer, doing preparations early can make a big difference. Here, we will list down the parts of your home exterior you need to prepare for the hot summer months. Follow these suggestions to ensure a summer-ready sanctuary!

Outdoor yard

Who says you cannot have fun in the backyard on a hot summer day? Once the remnants of winter snow are completely gone, take the time to put up some summer decorations to add life to your home yard. This can be helpful when you want to organize swimming parties or outdoor BBQ picnics in the neighborhood.

Installing a retractable patio awning is a great way to provide comfort and shade during summer parties. Not only they look good, but it offers additional protection any month of the year. Patio awnings provide shade whenever you need them while allowing the option to gaze at the sky on warm summer days.

Another way to protect the yard is to inspect pavements and driveways. Look for crevices or broken joins on the stonework and fix them by applying sealing to prevent bigger problems in the long-term. Don’t forget to clean the outdoor furniture by using spray-on solutions and wiping them down with cleaners.

person tending to some plants


Tidy up the plants and flower beds by using a shade to revamp the bed edges and clearing out the nasty weeds. Remove twigs, dry leaves, and dead grass using a metal rake. You can also plant new seeds and place them in bald patches to achieve a thicker lawn. A great tip is to use an effective weed-killing fertilizer to eliminate the growth of weeds around the backyard.

As the scorching summer heat comes in, you may want to fix the garden sprinkler to keep the plants in good shape amid the heat and dry weather. Check for winter damage such as cracked pipes and broken heads by allowing the sprinkler to run at one zone. You can also hire a professional arborist to inspect your yard for any rotting trees and cure the plants that need saving.

Roofing and gutters

The roofing system is one of the parts of your home that suffers the most over the winter. You need to have it inspected to check for cracks, curling, or missing shingles. But instead of doing the fixing yourself, hire a roofer to achieve the best results.

Aside from cleaning the roof, hire someone to install proper insulation. According to Energy Saving Trust, applying insulation on the attic, roof, and loft space is an efficient way to save money on energy bills while keeping a favorable room temperature around the house. You may also consider hiring a professional to clean the chimney to have it cleaned and maintained. A clean chimney can lower the risks of unexpected chimney fires during summer.

Also, don’t forget to clean the drainage system and gutters. Winter can leave these parts filled with gunk, so remove the debris, dirt, moss, mold, and other elements that cause clogging.

Keep in mind that along with the heat comes the rain, and rainstorms can put your home in a terrible shape when you fail to perform the right preventative measures. Protect your home against storm damages and flooding by checking its foundation. Check the basement and seal the holes accordingly. For better protection, it is always a great idea to hire professionals to fix existing damages before anything gets worse.

Getting the home ready for the coming summer months can be a little stressful and a bothersome experience. But to have a great summer, you need a home to protect you in extreme weather conditions. Take note of these suggestions to make outdoor parties fun and hassle-free!


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