How Basement Waterproofing Works

It’s vital to keep your basement dry and protected. Water can mess up your paint and wood, causing mold to grow. Thankfully, there are products you can paint on the inside walls. They seal them. But before you do that, fix any large cracks or holes you see in the walls.

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There’s a special kind of cement that dries fast and plugs up the cracks to stop water from coming in.


You’ll also learn what to do if water’s already coming into your basement. The first thing to do is check outside to see where the water’s coming from. Ensure the gutters and downspouts are working properly. If they’re not, extend the downspout so the water flows further away from the building.


You can also dig a little ditch by the downspout. Put in a pipe that leads the water away. Place a container where the pipe ends with rocks around it. Doing so lets the water soak into the ground. That’s what a basement waterproofing contractor would recommend.


Basement waterproofing is like putting up a fortress against water. When it rains or snow melts, water can seep into your basement through the walls or floor. Outside, you can dig down till you reach the foundation. Then, they apply a waterproof coating to the walls. Another method involves putting pipes with perforations buried in gravel trenches. They collect water and channel it away from your house.


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