Home Design Materials that Are Easy to Clean

home interior design

The virus that causes COVID-19 is primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets emitted when people talk, sneeze, cough, yawn, and breathe. They’re usually spread through close person-to-person contact, which is why the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends using face masks and keeping a physical distance of at least six feet from others. Recent studies have shown that the virus can also be spread through aerosol droplets, which are small particles that remain suspended in the air for a period, or through fomites, which are droplets that fall on the ground or high-touch surfaces, with people touching those surfaces and eventually touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.

All these findings only lead to one conclusion: As long as there’s no vaccine, our first lines of defense against the virus are wearing a mask, keeping our distance, washing our hands thoroughly with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer when we don’t have access to a sink, and staying home. But another defense is always neglected during these discussions: Keeping our homes clean.

If you’re planning on renovating or redesigning your home, now is a good time to choose design elements and materials that are easy to clean. Deep cleaning is more than just a regular dust-up; it’s a process that involves sanitizing and disinfecting. Here are some design trends that are easier to clean than others because even the most minor design decisions can impact the way you clean your home.

Kitchen hideaways

Do you know your small kitchen appliances like your toaster, small oven, blender, kettle, and others? When they’re displayed, they’re vulnerable to dust and other outside elements. On the other hand, taking them out and putting them back in high cupboards can be a pain. One way to combat this is by building a kitchen hideaway or built-in pigeonhole on top of your kitchen counter. They’re easily accessible, and they don’t add clutter to your kitchen.

Right flooring

It’s crucial to choose the right floor for every specific room. For areas with high foot traffic, like the living rooms, kitchen, and entryway, choose hardwood, vinyl floors, or polished concrete. These materials are much easier to spot clean and deep clean and are much more capable of resisting spills and dirt. Leave the rugs and the carpets to more private areas on the house like your bedroom or den, where you’re more like to be barefoot and not spreading dust from your shoes.

Paints with an eggshell sheen

Living with kids all but guarantees your walls will be painting or drawn with cute portraits at some point. Go for paint options with eggshell sheens because they are much easier to wipe and touch up, and they provide a soft, smooth finish. They are more washable than their flat sheen counterparts and are much more scuff-and-stain-resistant.

large kitchen interior

No space behind the toilet

Toilets are prone to gathering grime and dust, but they’re surprisingly easier to clean than other house areas. It only becomes more challenging when there’s a gap between the wall and the toilet because those gaps are not easily accessible and, more often than not, impossible to fit a duster or cloth into. So if you’re remodeling your toilet, choose a design that is fastened to the wall.

Windows, windows, windows

One of the easiest ways to ensure your home’s indoor air quality is by opening windows as much as you can to let good air in and bad air out. Choose a home design that allows for the opening of windows and doors from time to time.


  • Vinyl or leather furniture. These materials are easier to wipe, especially if you have kids or if you yourself have a penchant for spilling wine onto the couch.
  • Solid materials. A countertop built with solid surfaces minimizes the risk of mold and is much easier to maintain. Have a stone countertop installed instead of the usual grout or tiles, and watch just how convenient it is to wipe off oil, food particles, and fatty substances that would otherwise fall and accumulate in the gaps of traditional tiles.
  • Carpet tiles instead of wall-to-wall carpeting. When you spill something that’s not easy to spot clean on a traditional carpet, you now have to go through the trouble of taking us the entire thing to remove that one stain. Opting for carpet tiles allows you to easily remove the affected area without removing the entire carpet.

For Your Family’s Health

Many of these design ideas can be a bit costlier than their traditional counterparts, but they can only benefit you and your family in the long run while adding value to your property too. So don’t hesitate to go for materials and trends that are easier to clean.

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